Tipping Services
If you have small quantities of construction and demolition waste, that doesn’t warrant a skip we can provide you with 1 tonne waste bag, a cage collection service, or you can bring it to us at our recycling and transfer facilities.
Whether you’re located in Gloucestershire, Bristol, or Somerset, our conveniently located depots are ready to assist you in disposing of your industrial or commercial waste. Don’t stress about finding the right place to dump your unwanted items anymore – we’ve got you covered!
No need to book ahead, you can turn up and we will weigh the waste on arrival at a minimum weight of half a tonne.
Recycling plays a crucial role in our operations. We take pride in recycling over 90% of the waste materials received at our Transfer Stations in Tetbury, Bristol, Wantage and Somerton. By utilising advanced waste segregation technology, we maximise the recovery of recyclable materials, ensuring they are reprocessed and reused. Any residual waste is sent for energy recovery.
If you require disposal services for building or commercial waste, feel free to reach out to us. You can either drop it off at one of our depots or arrange for us to pick it up.
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Service coverage
With depots in Central Bristol, Somerton, Tetbury, and Wantage in Oxfordshire we have a large coverage area across the Southwest
Please get in touch to further discuss the areas we cover on 0345 646 0845 or email customerservices@mccarthymarland.co.uk
You can view our list Locations we cover
Waste recycling centres
Tetbury Commercial Recycling Centre, Babdown Industrial Estate, Babdown Airfield, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YL
T: 01666 505800
E: customerservices@mccarthymarland.co.uk; sales@mccarthymarland.co.uk -
Bristol Recycling Centre - Albert Quay
Bristol Commercial Recycling Centre, Albert Quay, Albert Road, Bristol, BS2 0XS
T: 0117 941 2555
E: customerservices@mccarthymarland.co.uk; sales@mccarthymarland.co.uk -
Somerton Recycling Centre
Somerton Commercial Recycling Centre, Somertonfield road, Somerton, TA11 6HY
T: 01458 274654
E: customerservices@mccarthymarland.co.uk; sales@mccarthymarland.co.uk -
Wantage Commercial Recycling Centre, Downsview Road, Grove Business Park, Wantage, OX12 9FA
T: 01235 760555
E: customerservices@mccarthymarland.co.uk; sales@mccarthymarland.co.uk