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  • Recycled Crushed Concrete

    What is Recycled crushed concrete?

    Recycled crushed concrete is a material consisting of reprocessed materials such as crushed stone, gravel and asphalt that was originally used in construction. We can provide this recycled product in a range between 75mm – dust.

    Recycled Aggregate Characteristics

    The reprocessing process consists of crushing and mixing the old materials which leave the aggregate ‘hardened’. This reprocessed concrete shares characteristics to those of natural rocks and is a perfect cost-effective solution for construction.


    As crushed concrete is more economical than alternatives, it is suitable for both large and small projects. Recycled crushed concrete is the perfect material for a sub-base and is commonly used in general bulk fills and road construction as well as other uses such as bank protection.

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    Environmental Impact

    One of the biggest challenges in the construction industry is finding ways to lower emissions. By recycling old construction materials, we reduce the need for mining raw materials. The extraction process involved in both quarrying and mining leaves both air and water contaminated with pollutants such as sulfur dioxide which is detrimental to the environment.

    McCarthy Marland is committed to taking care of our environment and by offering alternatives to materials usually acquired through quarrying, we aim to battle the industry problem of high emissions.


    As crushed concrete is so versatile and can be used in almost exactly the same way that natural materials are used, the need for quarrying is becoming less and less. By recycling old materials, the amount of landfill waste is massively reduced and more aggregate is becoming available on a wider scale to the benefit of the construction industry and more importantly, the environment.


    Although the initial cost of crushed concrete is cheaper compared to natural materials, it is also good to know that these recycled materials will last for decades and need minimal upkeep.

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    Service coverage

    With depots in Central Bristol, Somerton, Tetbury, and Wantage in Oxfordshire we have a large coverage area across the Southwest

    Please get in touch to further discuss the areas we cover on 0345 646 0845 or email
    You can view our list Locations we cover


    Waste recycling centres

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