GET A QUOTE: Gloucestershire: 01666 505800 Bristol & Bath: 0117 941 2555 Somerset: 01458 274654 Oxfordshire: 01235 760555

  • Tipping &

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  • Recycling & Recovery Wheeled Bin Hire

    At McCarthy Marland we offer a mixed waste & recycling service known as a recycling & recovery collection. We collect all recoverable & recyclable waste together in one bulk wheelie bin container excluding food and glass waste.

    This is a much more environmentally friendly means of collecting your waste as it only requires our collection vehicle to attend site once as opposed to twice with a general waste & Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) service.

    Furthermore it eliminates the risk of contamination of recyclable materials in a DMR service and reduces the number of bins on site in often limited waste storage areas.

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    Zero Waste Zero Hassle

    This is a much better all round solution for the environment.

    1. Reduces the carbon footprint of the service.
    2. Ensures easier waste handling arrangements and removes confusion associated with waste segregation
    3. Ensures only viable recyclables are extracted and residual wastes are used for Energy recovery.

    All waste is sorted back at our waste recycling facilities to extract recyclable material suitable to current market trends and the remaining residual material is processed into a fuel to recover energy known as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). This reduces the risk of bulk loads of DMR previously collected that were unknowingly contaminated being rejected and diverted to landfill.

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    240L Recycling & Recovery Collection

    0% Waste Bin

    • Capacity: 3 to 5 bags
    • Height: 107cm
    • Length: 74cm
    • Width: 58cm

    660L Recycling & Recovery Collection

    0% Waste Bin

    • Capacity: 8-10 bags
    • Height: 126cm
    • Length: 76cm
    • Width: 120cm

    1100L Recycling & Recovery Collection

    0% Waste Bin

    • Capacity: 15-18 bags
    • Height: 140cm
    • Length: 111cm
    • Width: 126cm

    Service coverage

    With depots in Central Bristol, Somerton, Tetbury, and Wantage in Oxfordshire we have a large coverage area across the Southwest

    Please get in touch to further discuss the areas we cover on 0345 646 0845 or email
    You can view our list Locations we cover


    Waste recycling centres

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